SiYu, MaPriMu, DiRiAmSa. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

English For Specific Purpose

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We learn, We practice, and we create.


Goals and objectives are important aspects before constructing a    course. Goals are our choice in general way, while the objectives make our goal more specific. Teacher has to choose what are the goals of course and what are the objectives. It will make us able to determine, what we have to include in course including the material, methods and procedure of learning strategies. In this case, our team tried to find our  goal. It can be read in the table.

Gambar 2:  Formulating Goals and Objectives

We don't need to delete goals and objectives above in order to see the progress of our group.

Goal: By the end of this course, law faculty student will be able to grasp information from written text and present the information through spoken language and written language and grammatically correct.

1. Students are able to ask open question using 5W1H and closed question using auxiliary verb.
2. Students are able to ask, give and  decline opinion.
3. Students are able to grasp law information through given text
4. Students are able to retell information through indirect speech

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Figure 1: This is guideline for us in designing the course

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Need Analysis

 Name         :

1. How many times you consider learning English per week?
2. Mention three situations you are able to learn well!
3.  Which one do you prefer learning individually, in group or in pair?
4.  You best learn when you …
            See written information                  get logical explanation
            Repeat                                                sing/hum
            Hear                                                    find information by your self
            Move/make a gesture                      other……

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The first Task of ESP

Lecturer           : Dra. Radiatan Mardiah M. Hum                                                          Last Monday!
Group              : Dia Rizky Amalia Sari (A1B209076)
                          Maria Prilia Munthe (A1B209066)
                          Silvina Yuza (A1B209082)

1.      We plan to design a course that we want to teach in the future. It is English for law faculty.
2.      Defining Context
Number of Student           : 20 learners per class

Age                                    : about 17 years old
Educational Background   : Senior High School, Madrasah Aliyah, and Boarding School, and vocational school
Goals of course                  : Improving Reading and Speaking skills
Time                                   : 2 times a week. 90 minutes per meeting
Learning aids                     : Healthy articles, Nurse’s characters building articles, Conversation text   and some video related to nurse in daily conversation.
Interest                              : Vary. For example: Boy band, healthy, character building, fashion and etc.
Class Condition                 : It is a comfortable class with air conditioner, and round seat. It is class with mixed capability students. The teacher is in the center when present the material. After presenting, the teacher may out from the circle, and let the student discuss the material. There is a white board. Students bring their own laptop.

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About this BLOG!

This Blog is made by instruction of our lecturer. She is Dra. Radiatan Mardiah M.Hum. We are having English for specific purpose class. Sixth semester makes us to practice more. She told us in the first meeting that after getting theories, we should bring them to the real situation meaning that we have to apply that theories. Oh my God, we have to determine the object, design the course and evaluate them in the last. It must be complicated. But we have a team anyway. We will work together and share anything. Wish us luck. :)

 We are Silvina Yuza, Maria Prilia Munthe and Dia Rizky Amalia Sari will make this project become the most wonderful project we have ever made!

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