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English For Specific Purpose

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We learn, We practice, and we create.

Need Analysis

 Name         :

1. How many times you consider learning English per week?
2. Mention three situations you are able to learn well!
3.  Which one do you prefer learning individually, in group or in pair?
4.  You best learn when you …
            See written information                  get logical explanation
            Repeat                                                sing/hum
            Hear                                                    find information by your self
            Move/make a gesture                      other……
5. What would you like to do in this course?
          Discussion                                         presentation practice
            Vocabulary practice                                    report past events
            Writing practice                               listening practice
            Read more                                         grammar practice
            Negotiating skill                               other…..
6. Underline the topics you love to learn!
          Article about Hidden fact of Indonesia law process
          Character’s building for lawyer article
          Conversation for lawyer
          Case analysis
          Law literature
Result of Need Analysis Questionnaire “English for Law Faculty Student”

Learning styles
Preferred class activity
Preferred Topics
Audio Visual
Discussion, Practice vocabulary, writing, presentation
Hidden fact of Indonesia law, conversation for lawyer
Vocabulary practice, presentation, report past events
Hidden fact of Indonesia law, law literature
Logical Explanation
Practice writing, negotiating skill, presentation practice.
Hidden fact of Indonesia law, case analysis
Audio Visual
Read more, vocabulary, writing practice
Hidden fact of Indonesia law article, character building’s for lawyer article
Read more, negotiating skills, writing practice
Case analysis, hidden fact of Indonesia law
Listening skill, meeting skill, presentation
Terminology of law field and case analysis
Speaking and writing
Presentation skill, vocabulary practice, discussion
Case analysis, character’s building article
Speaking and reading
Discussion, presentation, vocabulary
Conversation for lawyer, case analysis

This data was taken on Thursday, April 5 2012 in law faculty. It was a bit difficult to ask the students fill this questionnaire. Some of them cannot be found in the class. There are only 8 students whose willingness to participate this survey.

They are law faculty student in sixth and fourth semester. For situation and condition of English course, average they prefer this class is conducted in 2-3 times a week. They love to learn in quite situation, small intensive class and the class which allow them to feel comfort. 

Beside of spreading a questionnaire, we also interview a lawyer from Jambi province. His name is Musri Nauli, who has been a lawyer since…….
He told us that “English is obligation for lawyer in big city”. Since the lawyer in big city have vary case and it is more common for them to handle international law or case and international client. However, in Jambi a lawyer have to have English proficiency as well. It is not more than passive English and Reading capability. According to Musri, reading is the most important thing that a lawyer in Jambi province especially must be had. “There are so many law literatures written in English”. That’s why as a lawyer, reading has to be established before speaking skills.

In law faculty, we will find this quote “kebenaran sejauh argumentasi”. Every student knows this famous quote. No wonder, when we spread this questionnaire, they think that speaking is the most important thing they have to get.

It is also the important one, still according to Musri, he said that legal writing capability is also that every lawyer has to be had. Every matter that wants to be entered to the court or law field must be written. For example “Agreement Note” .

The last, we conclude that reading will be taught first for them. It will be integrated with other skill. It would be like this, after they got some information related to law case or process, they will be taught how to appreciate or convey their own opinion about that. Writing will be taught after reading and speaking skills. They need reading to know what they want to speak, and we cannot interrupt that someone’s writing style is influenced by their speaking style “Andreas Harsono”. So that, with this process, our articulating belief is “language is communication tool which is used to convey or deliver someone’s intention”, in this case intention is result of analysis and argument”.

Information that will become their text course are something related to law news. It will give them useful information. Skills will be taught integrated after comprehending the text. Almost all the student love to work individually, but the teacher will divide them into group when it is necessary. 

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